Quality Control (“QC”) is one of the most important parts of the post-production workflow, but it’s also one of the last things many independent filmmakers consider. The importance of a thorough and professional QC is paramount since a QC rejection costs both time and money and can make or break a film’s release. Passing QC ensures your film meets the specifications and requirements of broadcasters, distributors, sales agents and film festivals, worldwide.
Blackwater Digital Services offers multiple levels of QC to fit your budget and the needs of your partners. By passing a thorough 100% written QC from Blackwater, you’ll have the assurance your project’s master will be technically acceptable for virtually all destinations, worldwide. This includes all forms of Video on Demand (DirecTV, iNDemand, iTunes, Amazon Video, Netflix, etc), Home Video (Blu-ray or DVD), terrestrial or satellite broadcast, closed-net (airlines, cruise ships, hotels), online streaming and theatrical exhibition.
Our advanced knowledge of worldwide delivery requirements and the digital distribution supply chain means your materials only need to be delivered once, ensuring the successful distribution and exhibition of your content.
Learn more about QC in our blog post.